Maternal Fetal Care

Keeping a good control and follow up of the pregnancy is as important as achieving conception, Arturo and Karina went from having the diagnosis of a cyst to listening to the hearth beats of their little their little Rebeca.

Come to Creafam and receive the best #MaternalFetalCare

In Vitro Fertilization

Rocío and David had been a family of 2 for 7 years, but they longed to be a family of 3, discover how they managed to get their longed Iker into their lives.

Achieve your dream in less than a month with #InVitroFertilization

Maternal Fetal Care

Better safe than sorry, fortunately before making a trip the Rodriguez Family came to consultation and Dr. Carlos Monsalve detected a situation of risk and acted to take care of little Rami.

Come to Creafam and receive the best #MaternalFetalCare

Overcoming Ectopic Pregnancy

Adriana and Felipe faced the situation of repeated ectopic pregnancies and discovered in Creafam a team with experience and gave them confidence to achieve their dream: María José and even later they decided to give her a little brother: Luis Alejandro

If you’ve already had an #EctopicPregnancy do not take risks, come to consultation.