Clinical analisys laboratory

Laboratory tests examine samples of blood, urine or body tissues. The analysis is intended to assess ranges of values within normality, which may vary from one person to another.

Many factors affect the results of the analysis, including:

  • Sex, age and ethnic group.

  • What you eat or drink.

  • Medicines you take.

  • The follow-up of the instructions before the tests.

[fusion_dropcap boxed=”no” boxed_radius=”” class=”” id=”” color=””]L[/fusion_dropcap]aboratory tests are often part of a routine test to detect changes in your health.

They also help doctors diagnose clinical pictures, plan or evaluate treatments and control diseases.

It is essential in a health clinic for women to have the full range of medical services for their care and prevention of diseases, but above all, for the vigilance and proper control in their handling and medical treatments. For this reason in Creafam we have the basic and specialized studies for your security and tranquility.

Ask about our studies, our laboratory works 365 days a year. There is no excuse for not being healthy and taking care of yourself.

First consult infertility studies:

Studies of first consult for hormonal gynecological profile:

Other studies: