Maternal Fetal Medicine (Obstetrics and Perinatology)

Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that is responsible for women’s health care during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, hence the prenatal control consultations carried out by the obstetrician, are aimed at caring for the health of women pregnant woman and her developing child so that the birth occurs normally.

[fusion_dropcap boxed=”no” boxed_radius=”” class=”” id=”” color=””]A[/fusion_dropcap]t the first prenatal control visit, a detailed medical history is taken to gather information on personal and family history that may have an impact on the evolution of the pregnancy, as well as a physical examination that records data such as height, weight, blood pressure, and others.

Modern obstetrics makes frequent use of a powerful diagnostic tool such as ultrasound, which allows evaluating the evolution of the fetus from a very early gestational age.

This is how through interrogation, clinical examination, ultrasound and laboratory studies, prenatal control consultations are carried out, allowing a comprehensive evaluation of the health of the pregnancy.

First trimester of pregnancy

We’ve overcomed many challenges in the series “Everything that can go wrong with fertility” and now we have reached the pregnancy. Our dream is that pregnancy becomes one of the most beautiful stages in the life of the new mother, to ensure this we carry out regular monitoring and check-ups.

Second trimester of pregnancy

There is no more nausea and since the tummy is still small, the mother feels more comfortable, she can even forget that she is pregnant 🤔😅🤰 but don’t worry, her baby is still there! and to keep the pregnancy healthy there are 4 essential studies for the mother and 3 for the baby that must be carried out during the #SecondTrimester

Did you know that hematic biometry and blood chemistry are included for free in your first consultation if you come on #MaternalTuesday?

Third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester is time to prepare for delivery, but the weight of the baby, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, and Braxton Hicks contractions can make the mother uncomfortable. From basic and special studies, to vaccination and finally humanized childbirth or caesarean section, at Creafam we accompany you: We seek the mother’s will, we respect her physiological times and we protect her health at all times.

  • During the first trimester (weeks 0 to 13) many changes occur and expectant mothers are usually anxious to be informed, which is why we usually see them at intervals of 2 weeks, we perform a laboratory evaluation with general tests such as urine test, blood count and blood chemistry and finally we completed with the ultrasound and blood screening evaluation for aneuploidies (fetal chromosomal alterations).
  • The second trimester (weeks 14 to 28) is spent evaluating fetal growth and development and controlling risks of the appearance of medical diseases in the mother such as arterial hypertension and gestational diabetes. For this reason we have special vigilance in the control of the mother’s weight and nutrition and we perform the O’Sullivan Test (screening for Gestational Diabetes) and the detailed morphological evaluation of the fetus between weeks 20-22.
  • The third trimester (week 29 to 40) begins with the fetal echocardiographic evaluation and after week 32 the evaluation intervals are usually shortened again to two weeks, monitoring good fetal and maternal health, to prepare for the birth that usually occurs between weeks 38 and 40 of gestation and whose attention will be by delivery or caesarean according to each particular case.

Postpartum care is carried out with consultations a week and a month after the birth, in such a way as to verify that the patient’s recovery is carried out adequately in relation to those prior to pregnancy.

For future parents it is important to have an answer to the concerns they have regarding the health of their future children with maximum efficiency and the best humane treatment, hence the support of the neonatologist pediatrician.

Since our patients are pregnant, it allows us to meet this objective by offering continuity, communication with other units and information on the child’s history, which guarantees maximum security in monitoring their health once the birth occurs.

After the birth, the neonatologist assists the newborn during their hospital stay through physical examination, Apgar test and other tests that he deems necessary depending on each particular case. Subsequently, it will be in charge of the health control of the healthy child, where the objective is the prevention of diseases, the early detection of anomalies and the promotion of optimal physical, mental and social development, including monitoring the vaccination schedule.

“We do not call it a baby check-up or mother checkups, it is called fetal-maternal medicine and it is important that we are clear about the
importance of this duality, if we do not take care of the mother’s health, the baby suffers and if the baby is well the mother will enjoy her pregnancy.”

Dr. Carlos Monsalve
Dr. Carlos MonsalveEspecialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia