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Improve the quality and quantity of your eggs “naturally and organically”

Technically, it is an organic and natural treatment because you use your own platelets to improve your own eggs, ovaries and endometrium 🥀🩸🌹 But it is not something that can be done at home because advanced laboratory equipment is used.

#KnowledgeIsSuccess and Dr. Otto Paredes, Creafam fertility expert, explains to us how to strengthen your fertility and improve success rates for treatments such as in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, scheduled intercourse or even spontaneous pregnancies naturally.

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Hello, on one occasion we were talking about oocyte accumulation, as a strategy to improve the prognosis in those patients who have low ovarian reserve, that is, who have a low number of eggs and need to undergo fertility treatment. Today we are going to talk about something different, we are going to talk about ovarian rejuvenation, which is a quite novel strategy that seeks to improve the reproductive prognosis by improving the conditions of your own ovary. Remember that knowledge is success.

Blood, plasma and platelets

Human blood basically has two components: We have the cellular components and the plasma, when we centrifuge a blood sample we can separate the red blood cell component, then comes a layer in which are the leukocytes or white blood cells and finally in the plasma they remain. other cells that are platelets.

What is the importance of platelets? When you have a wound, platelets intervene to plug the wound, stop bleeding and serve as a guide for other proteins that are coagulation factors, and thus a whole network of biochemical reactions is put together that allow a wound to be solved or reconstructed.

Now, platelets are not only slimy cells that arrive like a patch to cover your wound, inside they have granules, like little bags that when activated are released, so this entire group of proteins will serve as signals, they are as biochemical signals that allow other cells in your body to come. The fibroblasts come, which are what will give rigidity to that scar, they also favor the formation of new small blood vessels that will provide fresh blood, nutrients, oxygen and in this way not only the platelets ended up plugging the wound, but they also served as a very, very important strategy in our body to help rebuild, help us heal that wound.

So yes, the human body has many strategies to regulate itself, to rebuild, to solve its problems. In this case, the use of platelet-rich plasma is a strategy in the area of regenerative medicine that has applications in many areas, for example, it is being used in dermatology, it is being used in traumatology to correct wounds, for example ligaments or surgeries and We in the area of reproductive medicine have also found use for it.

Everything about Platelets and fertility

Basically we are using it for 2 areas, the first is in the endometrium, as a strategy to improve endometrial conditions when we go for fertility treatment and the second area is for patients who have low ovarian reserve.

First of all, the first and most important thing is that it is your own blood, a sample of the patient’s own blood to which this therapy will be applied. So, we take the blood sample, this blood sample is centrifuged and this process is done to prepare. We first separate the cellular component from the plasma component and with the plasma component we concentrate the platelets, that is, there is no risk of adverse immunological or allergy-type reactions because it is your own blood that we are going to use, that is, your own cellular components.

Once we have this volume of platelet-rich plasma we proceed to activate it. For what? So that the platelets begin the degranulation process and release all these proteins and all these factors that I mentioned.

If we apply platelet-rich plasma intra-ovarian using a puncture needle, as when we perform egg aspirations, we can place this substance and release the factors and thus stimulate the ovary’s cell maturation processes.

It has been seen that there is… Let’s say that the process of development of the follicles, which are the structures that contain the eggs, does not occur directly in that month, it is a slightly longer process in which some primordial follicles that do not seen by ultrasound, they progressively mature until they finally reach the appropriate size when they can be seen by ultrasound and have a sufficient level of receptors to be stimulated by gonadotropins. What happens? If we apply platelet-rich plasma, it has been seen that those primordial follicles that we do not know, that we do not see, can be activated sooner.

So all the information that exists on this technique has shown that a greater number of eggs can be obtained, if we have a greater number of eggs then we will have better pregnancy expectations.

How to achieve more and better eggs naturally

Hello, so today we are going to perform an embryo transfer for a patient who underwent ovarian rejuvenation treatment using platelet-rich plasma. To give you a summary of the case:

We first performed an ovarian stimulation in which we only obtained a mature egg, this patient because previously in her evaluations she had a fairly low anti-Müllerian hormone value, around 0.40 nanograms per milliliter.
Then we performed ovarian stimulation, did the puncture, extracted the egg and then applied the platelet-rich plasma directly to her ovaries.
We waited until menstruation arrived and then we started a second stimulation cycle. This second stimulation cycle was with a dose of medication similar to the first time and in this way we also want to evaluate what effect the application could have. of platelet-rich plasma on the ovary and well, we had the satisfaction, I would say, the pleasant news of seeing that we had a response of 3 eggs. So, if we compare 1 to 3, it really is a very significant change for this patient.
Finally, with the four eggs we carry out fertilization and leave the eggs in embryonic development as we usually do in in vitro fertilization treatments.
The fifth day, that is, the day that we already have blastocysts corresponds to today, and that is what we are going to do next, the transfer of blastocysts resulting from the treatment with the application of the previous PRP.

So, to perform the embryo transfer, while I prepare the patient, that is, put the mirror, clean the cervix, since the embryos remain in the laboratory. Once I have the patient prepared, the biologist will hand me the transfer cannula with the loaded embryos. I will pass the cannula through the cervix guided by ultrasound to transfer the embryos to the uterus.

In the ultrasound you can see the image of the uterus and the passage of the cannula and then it appears as a bright image that corresponds to the drop of culture medium where the embryos that we transfer go.

-Everything is fine doctor

– All good? Okay, excellent.


We have already made the transfer, we are waiting for the test result, we trust that it will be positive. Generally, the patients who will benefit from the application of this ovarian rejuvenation technique are all those girls who have low reserve, that is, who have anti-Müllerian hormone values below one nanogram per milliliter. This condition may exist in different groups. of age and obviously the prognosis may vary a little in relation to this issue. Age influences the quality of the eggs in a different way, but the issue of the number of eggs that we can obtain to transfer is important.

If you have low ovarian reserve or failures from previous in vitro fertilization treatments related to few eggs, the application of platelet-rich plasma is an alternative to improve reproductive prognosis.