Seminogram or spermogram

Its objective is to know the state and number of spermatozoa.

The seminogram or spermiogram is one of the diagnostic tests for the man and that allows to know the state of his fertility. It is an analysis that is done on a semen sample.

What are the parameters of this test?

There are reference values considered by the World Health Organization, which determine when a sample has normal values and when it does not. The values are macroscopic and microscopic.

Macroscopic: It is an examination that is done with the naked eye, that is, without a microscope and provides important information regarding the appearance of the sample:

  • Volume: A normal sample should have a volume greater than 1.5 ml.

  • Color: the color of opalescent gray semen. If the sample is rather transparent or very opaque, it may indicate the presence of leukocytes or high concentration of sperm.

  • Viscosity: A very viscous semen can indicate prostate problems.

  • PH: It must be between 7 and 8.

Examination done using the microscope:

  • Sperm concentration: The number of sperm in a normal sample should exceed 15 million per milliliter or 39 million total per ejaculate.

  • Sperm motility: In a normal seminal sample, more than 40% of its spermatozoa move, and more than 32% do so progressively (fast or slow).

  • Sperm vitality: More than 58% of the sperm must be alive.

  • Sperm morphology: The shape of the sperm is evaluated, at least 4% of the sperm must have a normal shape in a sample.

  • Presence of leukocytes: If there are more than one million leukocytes per milliliter of sample, it is an indication that there is an infection.

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