How to read a seminogram

Inseminación Artificial en Puebla y Veracruz

When you have the semen test in your hands, the way to know how you are is as follows:

  • There is a reference value that is given by the World Health Organization (WHO), usually it appears in parentheses to the right of the result.

  • The sperm concentration will be written in millions per milliliter.

  • The mobility, morphology and vitality of the spermatozoa will be written in percentages.

If the values obtained have the lower reference limit (LRI) established by the WHO for each of the semen parameters, the semen sample is considered normal. This indicates that the man does not have fertility problems. The term used is Normozoospermia.

If the parameters are altered, the reference values are taken to diagnose the pathology associated with the semen sample.

  • Azoospermia: Absence of sperm.

  • Oligospermia: Low sperm count.

  • Asthenozoospermia: sperm motility is not as expected.

  • Teratozoospermia: Abnormal sperm morphology.

    1. Globozoospermia: circular head.
    2. Pin: Sperm have no head.
    3. Bifid: With two heads.
    4. Double tail.
  • Hypospermia: Low seminal volume.

  • Necrozoospermia: Mostly dead.

  • Agglutination: Spermatozoa have antibodies that do not allow their mobility freely.

Any combination of the previous diagnoses implies a poor prognosis for fertility.

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“Take care of your health, take care of your body and always consult your specialist”

Biol. Luis Machorro
Biol. Luis Machorro
IVF and Andrology Laboratory

Vitrification of eggs and embryos at the Mexican Institute of Infertility.

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