Polycystic ovary syndrome

We receive many patients who had previous surgeries or treatments to remove the cysts… Supposedly they were already cured but the problems and cysts reappeared. Did the treatment do them wrong? What is the cure? What happens with polycystic ovaries?

Dr. Arturo Valdés, an expert in fertility from Creafam, explains a little about this topic, he remembers that even with cysts we can achieve your pregnancy in less than 40 days.

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I want to make it very clear that polycystic ovary syndrome has no cure, it is one of the main causes of infertility and one in 10 women has had, had or will have ovarian cysts.

Many have the mistaken idea that cysts cause infertility, and I say many, not many, because it is not just the patients, there are also doctors who think that these little balls, those cysts, cause infertility and that if you dissolve them with medication or massages the problem is over.

Imagine for a moment that we are no longer talking about ovaries, that we are talking about acne.

That is to say that you had pimples, blackheads, pimples, whatever you want to call them. You go to the pharmacy and buy dermal soap to reduce skin fat, also those creams that have acid to dry the pimples and wipes to disinfect and clean your face well. You go home and for a whole month you have a complete skin treatment morning, noon and night.

In the end you could say “OK, I’m cured, I don’t have pimples anymore” but we all know very well that the pimples are going to come out again… Because the problem is not the pimples as such, the problem is the hormone levels that go up and down like crazy in adolescents and in some adults… Although they have something to do with diet, stress and other factors.

In some women, hormonal imbalances can occasionally cause the egg to be unable to release from the ovary.

The egg becomes trapped in the ovary, encapsulates, and becomes a cyst, so even though your period came normally that month, it was actually an anovulatory cycle, meaning there was no egg and it was impossible to get pregnant. .

Just as the problem of acne is different for each woman… Some of our patients will have only one or two anovulatory periods in their entire lives, but others will have this problem more or less all the time and in each ultrasound little by little we will see how a chain of cysts forms around the ovary. Other symptoms or manifestations can be precisely acne, or being overweight, in some cases baldness and male hair growth.

So, just as it is possible to reduce acne, we can also reduce inflammation and cysts through medication, but the hormonal imbalance as such that produces polycystic ovaries can only be reduced through surgery called ovarian drilling or trying to level it with medication, but it cannot be done. it can be cured definitively, it is something mainly genetic and in fact to diagnose it it is better to measure hormone levels because in some cases you can have the syndrome without cysts appearing, or it may be that you have cysts and that does not automatically mean that you have polycystic ovaries, neither hormonal imbalance nor anovulatory cycles.

Remember that the first step to have a fulfilled dream is the correct diagnosis. We invite you to watch the video of Dr. Otto Paredes in which he explains treatment options and why Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome SHOULD NOT BE OPERATED

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“At Creafam we are at your disposal, whether you just want to reduce the symptoms a bit or if you prefer to achieve your pregnancy in less than 40 days”

Dr. Arturo Valdés
Dr. Arturo Valdés
Reproductive Medicine and Gynecological Endocrinology
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