The epidural [Labor, pain and anesthesia]

Childbirth is one of the most beautiful experiences, but at the same time one of the strongest pains a person can feel. What can be done to resist the pain? Does anesthesia affect the baby or the mother?

Remember that #SaberEsPoder and Dr. Claudia Cortés, specialist in Anesthesiology, tells us a little about the benefits of epidural anesthesia and how it is applied for a #Humanized Childbirth

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As a mother I have hundreds of beautiful memories of my pregnancy and I personally believe that it is the most beautiful thing a woman can experience, however, almost universally the world believes that childbirth is one of the most intense pains a person can experience in life. .

The concern of a new mother.

And as an anesthesiologist I know that one of the main fears of new mothers is how to overcome that intense pain that the world talks about, but even more, they worry if using anesthesia they will be unable to push or move or if it can affect the baby my A professional recommendation is always epidural anesthesia because it allows the mother to stay awake with strength and muscle tone. Scan mothers feel fear and pain and are willing to fully live their delivery

About the epidural

When are we going to place it? When they are already 6 centimeters dilated. Before starting we place local anesthesia so as not to feel the puncture, then the anesthesia is injected between the vertebrae using a catheter that reaches just around the spinal cord where the epidural space is located, hence the name by which most of us know this technique, although the anesthesia that we place in labor is called “obstetric analgesia” and has the function of reducing the sensation of pain in labor, but we can continue to move our legs and maintain enough strength to push.

It takes 10 to 20 minutes to work and since the catheter stays connected during labor I can easily regulate the intensity of the anesthesia.

About the baby

As for the baby, at the time of birth an evaluation called APGAR is carried out that measures his breathing, heart rate and muscle tone, among other things.

Studies show that with epidural anesthesia, the APGAR is unaffected, even more so at Creafam when we perform a humanized delivery as soon as the baby is born, the mother and father can hug him and even start breastfeeding.

Definitely breastfeeding the baby early strengthens the bond and promotes the production of more milk.

“If you want a humanized birth, at Creafam you have a team of specialists who accompany you at every step of your fulfilled dream.”