10 FORBIDDEN Foods during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mother’s body takes longer to process nutrients and toxins. When these accumulate they bring complications to your health and that of the baby, which is why there are foods that should be avoided, even if you have consumed them all your life.

Remember that Knowledge Is Success and Nutritionist Marisol Navarrete, Mtra. Clinical Nutrition and Breastfeeding Consultant at Creafam explains the 10 foods prohibited during pregnancy.

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What you eat during pregnancy can protect your health and promote the development of your baby or can also cause diseases and complications such as anemia, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or gastrointestinal infections, which can have serious consequences such as abortions, premature births, low birth weight. birth and complications in the development of the baby, that is why in this video I want to talk to you about those foods that are not safe to consume during this stage and therefore you should avoid. Remember that knowledge is power and even if your baby spends only nine months in your tummy, the nutrition and protection you provide at this stage will accompany him throughout his life.

Raw foods

We have all heard that during pregnancy it is prohibited to consume raw fish and shellfish, but in reality, in addition to these, we must avoid any raw food of animal origin such as pork, lamb, chicken, beef, eggs, etc. since they may contain bacteria or parasites such as toxoplasma. Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection that almost does not affect the mother but in the baby it can cause serious damage to their brain development, nervous system, skin, ears, low birth weight or premature birth.

To reduce the risks, if you like medium-rare or three-quarter meat, now order well-cooked and avoid at all costs the consumption of raw or undercooked foods, whether sashimis, cocktails, ceviches or sushi. Be careful adding lemon to the fish! That does not cook it, it only changes its color, lemon does not kill parasites. If you order a sushi that has nothing raw, you can eat it but water it with those that are breaded or fried, which although in theory they have nothing raw, they can have excess fat and are not ideal.

Commercial mayonnaises and dressings use pasteurized eggs and are safe, but you have to be careful with homemade mayonnaise preparations, Caesar dressing, creams, meringues or grandma’s famous smoothie that adds raw eggs, as it may contain salmonellosis and likewise cause serious complications.

Unpasteurized dairy

Cow, sheep or goat milk that has not gone through the pasteurization process may contain bacteria such as salmonella, e-coli or listeria that cause serious diseases, the same happens with its derivatives such as yogurt, creams or soft cheeses such as white cheese. , feta, panela, goat cheese. Always make sure that dairy products say on their label that they are made with pasteurized milk.

Fish high in mercury

High in mercury fish. Even if they are perfectly cooked, large fish usually have a lot of mercury and excess mercury can cause neurological and brain damage in the baby. Large fish such as bluefin tuna, shark, swordfish and pike fish have too much mercury. If you like well-cooked and prepared fish, I recommend salmon, sardines, cod, trout or tilapia, which in addition to being safe are an excellent source of omega for the baby’s neuronal development.

Sausages or processed meats

Processed meats such as chorizo, sausage, bacon, ham and pâtés are high in sodium, preservatives and saturated fats so they are not recommended at any stage of life but also, since they are cold or raw meats, they can be contaminated by pathogens and cause diseases, so I recommend not consuming them but if you do, please give them a good roast in the pan.

Undisinfected fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables not disinfected. All fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and therefore their consumption during pregnancy is super important, but it does not matter if they are home-grown, if they are 100% organic or if they come from environmentally friendly nurseries. . All fruits and vegetables must be disinfected before consumption!

You have to wash and disinfect them very well because they can also be contaminated with different bacteria and cause serious illnesses with consequences for the baby like those we have already mentioned.

Refined or high sugar foods

Although they are not completely prohibited and if your glucose levels are good during your pregnancy, you can consume them in great moderation, but it is important that you know that during pregnancy women can be more resistant to insulin, which is the hormone that controls glucose levels. blood glucose and therefore it is easier for glucose to rise and in some cases develop gestational diabetes, which can cause serious consequences for the mother and the baby such as premature births, very large babies or those who have breathing difficulties when birth, hypoglycemia and are more susceptible to developing diabetes and obesity in the future.

Canned or high-sodium foods

Canned and high-sodium foods. Canned foods can contain Bisphenol-A, BPA, which in very high quantities is toxic to the body. In addition, the vast majority of canned foods have a high sodium content that can raise blood pressure and cause retention. of liquids, this does not mean that if you eat a canned food you will have immediate complications, it is simply better to avoid them as much as possible.


Caffeine. Caffeine is not prohibited but we must limit its consumption to no more than 200 milligrams per day, which is equivalent to 2 cups maximum, but if you go to a restaurant where you do not know how loaded it is, it is better to avoid it. Excess caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and remember that it is not only found in coffee, it is also in some teas, soft drinks and chocolates.


Although it is not a food, it is completely prohibited during pregnancy. Excess can cause irreversible damage to the baby’s development. Because there is no minimum safe amount it is best to avoid it completely. If you drank alcohol because you didn’t know you were pregnant, don’t be scared… For just one occasion everything will probably be fine and avoid it completely from now on.

Juices and prepared foods

Finally, some of the most common problems originate from foods that in theory are allowed… But that are prepared too much in advance or with poor hygiene. Having a freshly made fruit smoothie at home is not the same as having one on the street, which can take three or four hours exposed to the open air. Food contamination can occur even in sandwiches that are already packaged and refrigerated or in prepared stews from the supermarket. If you buy prepared foods, check the hygiene and make sure they are freshly prepared.

“I hope this video helps you have better nutrition during your pregnancy and I hope to see you soon at Creafam or in an upcoming video.”