10 SUPER nutrients for pregnancy

Eating during pregnancy can be stressful because we only have nine months to form our baby and every mother wants to make sure that no nutrient is lacking in her child, so we eat everything and in large quantities and the nausea, discomfort and a martyrdom returns.

But don’t worry, Nutritionist Marisol Navarrete, Mtra. in Clinical Nutrition and Breastfeeding Advisor at Creafam, she shares the foods with essential nutrients for pregnancy, she remembers that #KnowledgeIsSuccess

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High quality Proteins

Proteins are like the blocks or bricks of each cell and during pregnancy, when forming a new life, many structures, enzymes, tissues, hormones are being formed and that is why protein requirements increase during this stage, but it must be good quality protein.

The main sources of protein are of animal origin such as eggs, milk, red meat, fish, turkey, chicken. This does not mean that vegetables do not have them. Beans, beans, lentils, and chickpeas have a lot of protein but do not contain all the essential amino acids of animal proteins, so if you prefer to consume vegetables you need to complement them with some cereal such as rice, tortilla, oats or pasta in this way you create protein. high biological value, that is, with all the essential amino acids.

Now, here’s a tip: In a Dutch study they took blood samples from almost 3,000 pregnant mothers and discovered that consuming vitamin B12 could help them have children who cry less. It seems that vitamin B12 helps metabolize amino acids such as homocysteine, which reduces colic and helps regulate sleep cycles, so if you want strong, sleepy babies, sardines, red meat, fortified cereals are the best source of proteins with vitamin b12.

Foods rich in folic acid

Vitamin B9, also known as folate or folic acid, is essential to prevent congenital malformations or neural tube defects right at the beginning of pregnancy, which is why it is super important to consume it not only in food but also in supplements at least three months before When you start looking for pregnancy and throughout the first trimester, the foods richest in folic acid are green leafy vegetables such as spinach and chard, also in vegetables such as broccoli and tomato, but you can also find it in legumes such as beans. , lentils, beans, broad beans and chickpeas. In nuts like peanuts and almonds and even in fruits like papaya, orange, grapefruit, strawberries and banana. So you really have many options to ensure that there are no neural tube defects!

Foods rich in iodine

During the first weeks the baby is unable to make its own thyroid hormones and without the thyroid there is no growth hormone so the mother’s thyroid must work twice as hard. Iodine is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of the thyroid, it is so important that iodine is usually added to common salt and it is called iodized salt. If you are pregnant with water with Himalayan salt or other exotic salts that do not contain additional iodine, now, if you remember in the previous video we saw that excess sodium, that is, excess salt, is very bad so I recommend Get more iodine from foods such as fish, shellfish, grains such as rice, rye and oats.

Iron and vitamin C

Red blood cells need iron to transport oxygen throughout the body and as blood volume increases during pregnancy, more blood cells and a lot of iron are needed to transport oxygen to your baby. When there is not enough iron, anemia can occur, you feel fatigue, dizziness, tachycardia and can cause premature births, low birth weight or hemorrhages during childbirth.

Animal proteins are the best source of iron, plant proteins are an excellent source as well, but they are not absorbed in the same way as animal protein. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you can have an adequate supply of iron to ensure your health and that of your baby as long as you are under the supervision of a nutritionist who specializes in the subject.

It is important to know that vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron, so it is highly recommended to consume fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, although guava, tomato and red fruits are also an excellent source of this vitamin.

Calcium and vitamin D

Calcium helps the baby’s bone formation but it also has a double benefit since it helps prevent preeclampsia during pregnancy. You can consume it in tablets as a supplement, but the main source of calcium is dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, you can also find it in vegetable drinks enriched with calcium, although the calcium in cow’s milk is absorbed much better than that in vegetable drinks.

Complex carbohydrates

Your body and your baby’s body need carbohydrates to produce energy but simple carbohydrates like sugar and refined products are converted almost instantly into glucose. Remember that during pregnancy women are more resistant to insulin, which is the hormone that controls glucose and therefore can develop gestational diabetes, so it is much better to consume complex carbohydrates that take longer to release their energy and glucose. can be controlled better.

You can consume cereals such as quinoa, oats, rice, whole grain breads and pastas or legumes such as chickpeas, lentils and beans, and all of these carbohydrates are rich in fiber.

Foods with a lot of fiber

During this stage it is more common for mothers to suffer from constipation, it is due to hormonal changes that cause the digestive system to be slower and the problem usually worsens as the pregnancy progresses and the uterus grows because there is more pressure on the intestines, fortunately , fiber consumption helps improve constipation symptoms.

You find fiber in peeled fruits and vegetables, as well as potatoes and plums, which in themselves are already famous for their laxative effect, but if they are not to your taste there is also fiber in whole grains, legumes and the dried fruits. Just pay close attention: It is very important to accompany the fiber with a lot of water, since otherwise, it could increase intestinal congestion.

Potassium and pregnancy

When a pregnant woman complains of fluid retention, bloating and cramps, she is likely lacking potassium, this mineral helps regulate blood pressure, maintain fluid balance and facilitates muscle contraction and relaxation.

Even if you don’t have any of these problems, I recommend eating foods like bananas, potatoes, nuts, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and coconut water, which are an excellent source of potassium.

Healthy fats or good fats

Healthy fats are rich in omega 3, an essential nutrient for the baby’s neuronal development.

Olive oil, salmon, sardines, nuts, chia and avocado are an excellent source of this type of fat. In fact, it is true that mackerel has even more omega-3 than salmon, but please don’t. Eat it because it has a lot of mercury, which, as we saw in the previous video, is harmful during pregnancy.


Around 5% of pregnant women suffer from Oligohydramnios, that is, from little amniotic fluid. When this happens, the baby runs out of space in the uterus and may suffer malformations or growth restriction. The best way to avoid this is to drink plenty of water.

In general, at the beginning of pregnancy two liters a day are recommended, but by the third trimester it can be three or a little more. Please consider that if you live in warm places or if you exercise, you may need more. The best way to know if they need more water is when they go to the bathroom, the urine should come out completely clear, if it doesn’t come out clear it is because they need more water. Remember that at this stage your heart and kidneys are working twice as hard and the more water you drink, the easier their work will be.

“I hope that with this video you have a much clearer idea of all the nutrients that you and your baby need during this stage, remember to go to regular consultations to see how they are going and hopefully we will see you soon in Creafam or in an upcoming video”