What is an artificial insemination?

When we talk about fertility, there are high complexity treatments such as In Vitro Fertilization and low complexity treatments such as scheduled intercourse or the use of medication to regulate periods. Artificial insemination falls into the low complexity category since advanced laboratory equipment is not needed, the basic idea is to take a semen sample and inject it into the uterus at the ideal time of the menstrual cycle.

Madre In Vitro

Donor Catalog

One of the main doubts is whether the baby can be made to look like the mother or father, or if it is possible for her to have eyes, skin and hair of a specific color, as well as other physical characteristics.

Thanks to our catalog of donors and the guidance of our medical team, you can choose the sperm that increases the chances of achieving what you want, however, let us remember that the mother’s genes have a strong influence on the future baby.

When is intrauterine insemination recommended?

There are several specific cases in which it would be advisable to perform artificial insemination before considering In Vitro Fertilization, for example:

For fertile women without fertility complications but who do not wish to have a male partner.

When the man’s sperm has good quality but little movement, we can stimulate the sperm in the laboratory and improve its quality.

We receive many cases of men who have problems ejaculating during sexual intercourse, but they can do so through masturbation and their sperm has good quality.

There are cases in which the eggs and sperm are healthy on their own, but when they manage to conceive the baby it brings genetic problems due to incompatibility of the parents’ chromosomes, or problems with the RH of the blood or other characteristics, in these cases You can perform artificial insemination with donated sperm.

Our packages include everything you need

Virtual or in-person consultation

  • 25% discount included booking online
  • Just choose your date and time
  • Payment via Paypal

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

  • It includes medications!
  • Also basic studies for both
  • and even consultations

Donated sperm (IUD)

  • Everything included in the IUI and also
  • Use of semen from national donors
  • We help you choose from our catalog

These prices may vary in each case and do not constitute an official quote for the patient; you must attend a consultation to receive an individual printed quote. Restrictions apply.

Take the first step.

How is an Artificial Insemination done?

Do you want to see it step by step? Dr. Otto Paredes and Biologist Fernanda Hernández explain in detail each stage of Artificial Insemination, the ideal treatment for same-sex couples, women who want to be single mothers or when the man has sperm with little movement but good quality. From previous studies, stimulation with medications, the donor catalog, sperm training and the insemination procedure as such.

Our staff speaks spanish and english, but it’s hard recording videos in multiple languages, please turn on the english subtitles.

Do you want even more information?

Schedule a consultation or visit our channel: Youtube.com/CreafamClinicas
The most complete, at the best price

Our packages include everything

If you are quoting, ask elsewhere if the price includes basic studies, medications, procedures for both and what type of processes they carry out to guarantee the quality of the donated sperm, as well as the confidentiality of the treatment.

*Costs are approximate, may vary slightly and cannot be combined with other promotions.

Up to 12 months without interest

Ask about participating cards at your local clinic, we also offer cash plans for up to 4 months.

Do you have multi-attempt packages?

Many clinics profit from multi-attempt packages with conditions such as advance payment for all attempts, obligation to attend the clinic for daily injection, and accepting the use of donated sperm, eggs and even embryos.

Thanks to our experience and protocols, the vast majority of patients get pregnant on the first attempt and although we do not have multi-attempt packages, we can offer discounts of 20% to 60% for an additional attempt if necessary, it all depends on how you have reacted to the medication.

What additional options are there?

Our packages have everything a couple requires, but you can additionally request:

Additional medication to increase the chance of having twins.

National semen or international semen.

Foreign or international

We offer packages with a stay in Mexico and amenities from one to four weeks, please contact us for a quote.

Must I have my pregnancy follow ups with you?

Many of our patients are recommended by external doctors and when they achieve pregnancy they return to their trusted gynecologist. No patient is obliged to take their maternal check-up with us, but we can offer them packages for pregnancy and childbirth care.

Ready to accomplish your dream?
Schedule online and get 25% off your 1st consultation.