Ginecology and oncologic ginecology

It is the health surveillance of the woman who pacts from puberty to old age. Gynecology allows you to take care of basic aspects in health such as:

  • Hormonal changes

  • Surveillance of the glands

  • Ovaries

  • Uterus

  • Genital problems

  • Cervix

  • Alterations

[fusion_dropcap boxed=”no” boxed_radius=”” class=”” id=”” color=””]B[/fusion_dropcap]reast and cervical tumors are two of the most frequent types of cancer in women, on the other hand they are among the most susceptible to early diagnosis.

Periodic gynecological examination that includes Papanicolau tests remains the most important and simple screening tool to perform for the control of the health of the cervix. In case of presenting a suspicious lesion, it is complemented with a colposcopic evaluation for a better diagnosis, and if necessary, the corresponding directed biopsies.

Clinical exploration of the breasts is complemented by mammography, which should be performed periodically in women over 45 years, since it is the age group where these lesions occur most frequently, although younger women are not exempt. Having an oncology consultation offers more specialized, safe and reliable assessments in relation to this type of pathologies that may present women in different stages of their lives.