Emotional support when there are reproductive difficulties

Contraceptive methods have allowed couples to decide when to have children, however, being able to control contraception does not mean controlling fertility.

Until the couple decides to have unprotected sex, they are not aware of the possibility of fertility problems.

A couple of childbearing age who has regular sexual intercourse has between 20 and 40% chances of becoming pregnant each month, but if pregnancy has not been achieved after one year, a specialist in Reproductive Medicine should be consulted. , in order to start the study of the couple to find out what is the cause or causes that make pregnancy difficult.

Wanting to have children is not the same as being able to have them.

Wanting is related to what is thought and with thought we function in the work, family and personal world. When the couple thinks about “we are going to have a baby” expectations, emotions and thoughts begin about when the event will take place, the month, the sign it will have, if it is a good working time, even the names of the babies are they begin to search, in addition to the choice of the most fertile days to achieve pregnancy. The first months in which the pregnancy does not happen, the thoughts are positive, everyone knows that it is not always achieved in the first month. However, feelings like joy and hope, disappointment and frustration are present every month while waiting for the desired pregnancy. As can be seen, in wanting to have children, emotions play an important role.

Accepting that there are reproductive difficulties is one of the most stressful events in the lives of couples. A high percentage of couples suffer from stress, reaching high levels of anxiety and in many cases depressive symptoms.

An assisted reproduction process implies the experience of diagnosis, examinations, surgical procedures on occasions, initiation of treatment, waiting for results (achievement or not of a pregnancy), which can generate physical and emotional exhaustion. The stability of the couple is altered, the quality of life is affected by the presence of fears, worries, insecurities, changes in behavior and the anxiety of each stage of the procedure.

For this reason it is important to have emotional support when starting an assisted reproduction procedure, this support seeks to help the couple achieve a better balance. Assistance to a specialist in the area of reproductive psychology would facilitate:

  • Obtain adequate information for decision making.

  • Preparation for medical and surgical treatments that are required.

  • Understanding and acceptance of the emotional reactions caused by infertility.

  • Managing the stress that infertility can cause in your relationship with your partner, family and friends.

  • Explore the family building options available to you.

  • Learn to control stress, anxiety and depression.

  • Communicate more effectively with family, friends, doctor and team.

  • Build a rich and pleasant life.

“In these sessions, relaxation techniques, control of negative thoughts, suggestions and recommendations are worked on together to face the days of waiting for results and the most difficult moments of each couple.”

Psyd. Adriana González
Psyd. Adriana González
Clinical sexology and sexual health
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