Goodbye fibroids… hello BABY! (Testimony from Modesta, pregnant one month after surgery)

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  1. Introduction
  2. 8 weeks ultrasound
  3. Modesta’s testimony
  4. Conclusions

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Hello, how are you? Good morning. If you remember, we uploaded a video around June, you will see it here on the link right now, about a patient that we mentioned that if she had a blister on her finger, well, it was ridiculous to remove the finger. This patient had a cyst of about 15 – 16 cm and it came out completely, and also a 10 cm fibroid. However, we had the good news that Modesta became pregnant spontaneously just 3 months after having the surgery. It is not ideal, because the truth is that we should have waited 4 or 5 months, but she was only on contraception for 3 months and when she stopped the month without contraception she managed to get pregnant spontaneously.

Many of our myomatosis patients are women over 36 or 37 years old, so it is not only the issue of fibroid surgery, but also age and in many cases with surgery the fallopian tubes can become blocked after the scarring process. In this case Modesta was able to get pregnant spontaneously, but according to statistics, more or less three out of 10 patients who we operate on for fibroids have been able to get pregnant spontaneously.

We are going to have her testimonial right now. Normally we don’t upload many testimonials because patients who have surgery and then try to get pregnant… Well, obviously it is a more personal, more family-related matter, and when they are already pregnant, they are very embarrassed to upload their case of myomectomy and after they are pregnant, but Modesta found it very interesting and also told us that it was important to do the testimonial so that couples and people who had the problem of cysts, where sometimes they wanted to remove the ovary or fibroids where sometimes they want to remove the entire uterus, can see that by going to a center with specialists they can have conservative surgery, but the most important thing is: They wanted to remove her uterus and now she is pregnant, thanks to conservative surgery here at Creafam. Remember that Knowledge is Success.

8 week ultrasound

Look, do you remember last time that you could only see the sac? – Yes. – Now we can see it there, this is the embryo, you can see the heartbeat there… You can see it, but now we’re going to hear it, if the heartbeat is there. Whenever you see red and blue it’s because of the arteries and veins.

So, gestational sac in anteroposterior, 35.9, longitudinal 27.8… As it went all the way up, press a little here, slowly, pressing very well. Transverse… 41.6. Pay close attention to what I told you last time, how you can see this white reinforcement here, it’s the trophoblastic ring, the amniotic sac is starting to appear here, which is this small, faint, white line… It’s the sac where the baby comes in, that’s the “bag of waters” as people call it. The yolk sac has already grown, remember that I told you that this is like the CPU of information, 3.9 of regular and symmetrical yolk sac.

But the most important thing is that the little embryo already looks very good, see here it looks hollow, this is the head. Whenever the head begins, the neural tube develops and it looks hollow, we already drew a little, with a bit of imagination, this is the lower outline and here is the upper outline. Then they begin to appear, here it is, look at the little stumps, upper and lower outlines present and in the next check-up which is week 10 the whole medullary canal will begin to be drawn, which here you can already see a little, look, as if it were a small road here. It looks very good, I think it is 8+2, eh, Miriam… Yes, at least by how it is developing, yes.

So what is the measurement that we normally take? One that is called LCN or Cranial Buttock Length or Cranial Cauda Length, and that will also give us a little bit of the weeks of gestation based on your last period and that coincides with the size of the baby. 14.8 for 7+6. Very well, heart rate…

Heart rate 172. Week 7 or 8 that you are in, and then 10, are the ones that go faster because right now it is growing a lot. From last time, do you remember that it was almost invisible, now you can see a very nice embryo, it is quite well developed, there is no apparent alteration of implantation in the uterine muscle. Is it coming out? Perfectly fine and it is very nice. Ok, next check in 2 weeks.

Modesta's Testimony. Pregnant one month after surgery.

At first, imagine that, now that we are from the village, they told us, “With a treatment of tea and that, they will go away, just like that, without any medicine.” And yes, we tried that but no, when we realized, we went to a doctor, they did an ultrasound and they told us that they were already too big, they told me “Even if you take any treatment, they will not go away just like that” he said “So, you want surgery”

But well, we didn’t do that to get surgery right away, but I told my husband to check somewhere else, and he went to another doctor as well, they did an ultrasound and he told me that because of the size I had, I was already at risk of getting cancer in my uterus and then they told me to have surgery right away, but it was to get rid of everything! And then, well, he and I talked and he told me that it was better to wait, that is, not to do things right away. If they are going to remove it, they are going to remove it, but… Checking somewhere else, anyway, we went back, they told us about another doctor, we went and no, also, now no one told us: “Well, yes, we are going to operate on you but we are going to save your uterus” here it was that they were going to remove it.

In fact, one of them even told me that it was possible that week, that I should go to my insurance, because those operations were somewhat expensive, he says “Then I recommend that you go to the UMA” he says “Because if you keep waiting like that, what you are going to cause is that it will burst and it will be more risky, and now you do have your girl, think about your girl”… And then yes, the truth is, yes, what he told me scared me and everything. And he arrived, and we talked and I told him, and he told me to wait, he says “No, wait, it’s just that there is a mess in the insurance, because as you don’t pay, they make us take longer to get the appointments.”

And already on the internet, I started to go online and I saw the clinic, but I imagined it was very far away, so I told him and he says “Well yes, but look how it looks, forget it. Where are we going to be able to go for an appointment?” And I stayed, then the next day, I did the same research again and I checked if they were here in Puebla, and I told him, and he says: “Well yes, but look, maybe the consultations are very expensive. Where are we going to get the money for the consultations?” And then, one day, by accident, I sent a message asking how much a consultation was, and they told me what it included and everything and I told him, and yes, then that week I got my consultation and everything, and well, that’s when they told me yes, if they saved my uterus and everything.

– We talked with you, we got to know you, you gave us many ideas, why did we stay with you? No, because you are the perfect one, and look! You saved your uterus, and look what a result it gave!

– And how did you find out that you were pregnant? Let’s see, tell me because that was a surprise.

Well, look, the truth is that I was pregnant… I felt, well, from everything I’ve been through, from what they told me, from all that… In fact, before I came to you, I went to another gynecologist who was a gynecologist, she of course told us: “I promise to operate on you and I won’t remove your uterus, but no… You won’t be able to get pregnant right now” she says “At least a year, in a year, not now, and not just like that, also with treatment” So, you can pretend that you won’t.

And now, right after my operation and everything, well, I only took care of myself for a month, but in that month I felt very bad, I mean with the pills or maybe it was my own fear, that they told me that before I had my baby, the same treatment they gave me to get pregnant, that was what made me develop the fibroid and the cyst.

So, I had that fear, maybe, I only took it for a month, and the next month I still felt worse, that’s when I told my husband that I better make an appointment to get checked, because before my appointment I had… And well, it turns out that…

– You’re already pregnant

– I’m already pregnant.

– Very well, well then I’ll see you in two weeks Modesta, okay? We really appreciate it.


So, it is very important, first: not to remove the uterus, second: to have surgery with a specialist or with an expert in myomatosis and in surgeries of this type. Why? Because if we do a conservative surgery and with a meticulous repair of that uterus, pregnancy can generally be achieved, either spontaneously or with assisted reproduction techniques with us, such as insemination or in vitro and remember, that in pregnancies or in in vitro gestation rates we have over 95% of our patients achieving a pregnancy in the first, second or maximum in a third in vitro treatment.

So, subscribe to our channel: and please call us, either because you want to get pregnant with an assisted reproduction technique, or because you have a problem with myomatosis and you want a second opinion or to have surgery with us.

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30% of our patients get pregnant without treatment in less than a year… Modesta gets pregnant one month after surgery! Getting pregnant so soon is not ideal, but we will give you the best follow-up so that you can soon have your dream come true in your arms.

Dr. Arturo Valdés
Dr. Arturo Valdés
Reproductive Medicine and Gynecological Endocrinology
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