How to get pregnant (part 1)

#KnowledgeIsSuccess and there are 10 main mistakes that women make when trying to get pregnant. Dr. Liliana de la Rosa, a specialist in reproductive medicine at Creafam, explains what to do to avoid them.

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Many women think that achieving pregnancy is simple… A matter of starting to have sex without using a contraceptive method and then going to get pregnant, but statistically, couples take an average of six months to achieve pregnancy. That means that, yes, some couples are going to get pregnant in less than a month but others could try for years without success and in this series of videos I want to explain the main mistakes, warning signs, tricks and techniques to get pregnant without complications.

Remember that knowledge is success and we will start with the ten most common mistakes to achieve pregnancy.

Mistake #1: Assuming I am infertile

The most common mistake of all is to assume that since I didn’t get pregnant the first time it means that I am sterile or infertile and then they think “It’s my fault, something is wrong with me, I need treatment” and instead of taking it easy and enjoying the search for the Pregnancy, they are filled with fear and stress and begin to focus on all the problems that they say they have and reach the point where they even self-diagnose infertility.

For example, we receive many, many women who come to the consultation and with absolute certainty tell us “I come to the consultation because I am infertile” and what happens is that I have very irregular periods and that is why I cannot get pregnant and sometimes I get low right at the beginning of the month and other times it drops on the 15th and other times until the 20th or 25th so I come to help me become regular… But the months have 30 or 31 days and February has 28 or if it is a year A leap is 29 days, while a menstrual period is usually 28 days, so it is totally natural that you do not start your period on the same date each month, that does not mean that you are irregular.

Please do not stress, the ideal is to first take it easy and if you can, go to a gynecological consultation before purchasing hormonal treatments or looking for home remedies, because as we will explain below, some remedies can worsen the situation instead of helping.

Error #2: Self-medicating or using home remedies

If you search on Google for infertility medications or home remedies for fertility, you will surely find dozens of pills, injections, creams and drinks that promise immediate results. We must be careful because many of them are simply food supplements and vitamins, which do support us in the patient’s nutritional approach, which is very important for reproduction, but is not the only factor associated with infertility.

However, there are hormonal treatments for both men and women that in theory could improve the quantity and quality of sperm and eggs, but these treatments must be indicated under medical supervision. In fact, we receive many patients who, in the first consultation, ask us to prescribe some of these hormonal treatments, even before conducting studies, but we never prescribe medications without prior studies, because there is no point in giving you hormonal treatment if you have blocked fallopian tubes. or maybe you have elevated prolactin or estrogen, so raising your hormonal levels even more will only harm you in some cases. In some cases, the problem is that if you are getting pregnant frequently, but the fetus is having problems implanting properly, so stimulating ovulation is not going to help you and in fact in 40% of infertility cases the problem is with the partner’s sperm, so here comes mistake number 3.

Error #3: Assuming he is fertile

Many couples think that if the man manages to maintain an erection and ejaculate that means that he is fertile, but in reality, although the semen is white, abundant and has a good consistency, that does not mean that the sperm are healthy, in fact it could be that the semen doesn’t even contain sperm and still looks normal.

We invite you to watch our video about semen that explains a lot about it and remember that performing a semen analysis is easy, economical and the results can be obtained in a single day.

Error #4: Not knowing your fertile days

During each menstrual cycle the woman produces and releases a single egg, this occurs around day 14 of the cycle… The problem is that some women count the days incorrectly, since they begin counting from the last day of their menstruation. Please do not do that, it starts counting from the first day of your menstruation, it does not matter if your period lasts only 3 days or if it extends up to 10 or more days, we always start counting from the first day of menstruation .

To make things easier, please visit and choose the day your last menstruation began, the calculator will show you the day you ovulate, knowing this exact day is a great advantage but we can still make other mistakes.

Error #5: Not having sex properly!

It is important for couples to know that having sex every day several times a day during all fertile days is not the best decision. The ideal thing to maximize the chances of achieving pregnancy is to alternate intercourse every other day, thus giving the semen the opportunity to have better sperm, so in theory intercourse would be on the 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th.

Now… There are many myths about the best positions to achieve a pregnancy or even positions to have a boy or a girl, in general they are really just myths, there is no position or ritual to follow that is the most effective to have a pregnancy. . However, we receive many patients who tell us that after having intercourse they realize that all the semen drains or comes out and of course… The ideal would be for this not to happen, if they notice that something like this happens to them the first recommendation would be After having intercourse, they should remain lying down for a few minutes, but if they notice that it still happens, it may be that the semen has a too liquid consistency, or in extreme cases it is that the woman has some anatomical defect…

But the truth is that the most common thing is that one or both of them are overweight and this causes very little sexual penetration, making it difficult for the semen to be stored correctly. And this leads us to the next problem, which is ignoring body weight and mass.

Error #6: Ignoring the BMI (weight and body mass)

The body mass index allows us to calculate how healthy a person’s weight is, it is very easy to obtain, the formula is kilograms divided by square meters, for example, consider a woman who weighs 50 kilos and measures 1 meter 50 centimeters, we multiply 1.5 the figure or proportions of the body is an indicator of health and in fact serves to detect fertility problems… Because for a woman to be fertile she needs hormones such as estrogen and many women know that estrogen is produced in the ovaries, but very Few of us also know that the ovaries do not work alone, it is a team effort where adipose tissue or fats contain enzymes that allow the ovaries to process steroid compounds to manufacture hormones such as estrogens and androgens.

For this reason, if a little girl is very overweight, her menarche or first menstruation can come much before she is 11 years old because all that fat is helping or even forcing the ovary to start producing estrogen, and when the opposite happens, a girl has a body mass index well below her ideal weight, menarche can be delayed for several years. Now, in a mature woman, the excess fat and estrogen can be so high that the ovary becomes oversaturated and stops working altogether, so eggs stop being released. When this happens, the period is usually also lost, but it is possible that there are anovulatory periods, that is, if there is menstruation but there is no ovulation, it is impossible to achieve pregnancy.

Meanwhile, the same thing can also happen to extremely athletic women or women who have problems gaining weight because the ovaries do not have additional help to produce hormones. If your body mass index is less than 18 or greater than 25, it would be worth visiting a nutritionist or going to a fertility consultation.

Error #7: Using lubricants or stimulants

It is important to consider that most lubricant or stimulant manufacturers have the main objective of promoting the enjoyment of a sexual relationship and are not really focused on fertility, so several of their products may contain spermicides, please read the label carefully to find out. Know if it contains spermicides or contraceptives.

But even if they do not contain contraceptives, their PH, temperature and consistency can drastically make it difficult for sperm to swim successfully to the fallopian tubes.

Error #8: Smoking or drinking alcohol

Statistically, drinking alcohol or smoking a couple of times a week, even moderately, can reduce by half the chances of achieving pregnancy, both in men and women, since these substances promote oxidation and chromosomal abnormalities. in both eggs and sperm.

This point really does not need further explanation, if you are having a hard time getting pregnant and you or your partner smoke or drink, the ideal thing is to reduce this consumption.

Error #9: Taking a pregnancy test at the wrong time

The enthusiasm for achieving a pregnancy may cause some women to want to take a pregnancy test 2 or 3 days after having had sex, but that is too early. Remember that even if you have ovulated on day 14 of your period, the egg will take a while. about two days to reach the fallopian tubes and be fertilized by sperm, and even when fertilized correctly, the egg will continue to float and implant in the uterus until day 21 of your period.

If you take a pregnancy test before implantation, it will be negative, so it is best to wait until after the 21st day of your period, and of course… If your menstruation is late, the ideal is to take a pregnancy test from a pharmacy or come for a consultation to do a blood test. But you can also take a pregnancy test too late… We have cases in which the period does not arrive and the woman is very happy, but instead of taking a test immediately, she decides to wait to see if her period still does not arrive the following month. period. Then a few weeks later her period arrives normally, and she deduces that logically she had an irregular period and nothing more… The problem is that these irregular periods happen quite often and when she finally comes to see us we discover that she is getting pregnant. regularly, but the embryo is having problems implanting and developing well. For this reason it is worth taking a pregnancy test as soon as you realize that your period has not arrived, currently pharmacy pregnancy tests are very reliable.

Mistake #10: Assuming everything stays the same

We receive many patients who assume that some study or information they were given years ago remains the same and will never change. For example, sometimes they come to the first consultation and tell us “It’s just that when I was little I had a cyst and that’s probably why now.” I am infertile” but the thing with cysts is that they are very common and just as they appear, they can disappear on their own in a few months or years… Furthermore, throughout the ovulatory cycle and menstrual periods, the follicles can enlarge very shortly before releasing the egg and there are who may confuse a preovulatory follicle with a cyst.

Or it also happens the other way around, we receive 35 year old patients who tell us that when they were 20 years old they had studies done and everything had gone well and they cannot explain why now they cannot get pregnant, or that they had already managed to get pregnant before and now they cannot. .

We should never assume information, remember what we always say “Knowledge is success” and the ideal is to go to a gynecological consultation at least once a year, in less than an hour we can detect any problem and help improve the chances of achieving a pregnancy naturally. See you in the next video of the series “How to get pregnant” In which we will see warning signs that may indicate infertility.

“Fortunately in the vast majority of cases, from the first consultation we can identify and resolve these main problems”