Yulis Paola tells us about her experience

Yulis tells us how 3 years ago they detected an 11 centimeter fibroid… But it quickly grew to 35 cm and in Colombia they told her that they would surely have to remove her uterus, however, since #KnowledgeIsSuccess Dr. Arturo Valdés, fertility expert from Creafam, explains that subserosal fibroids usually grow a lot, but they do so outside the uterus and therefore are easier to remove, preserving the womb and fertility, it is just a matter of being careful with the pedicle, that is, the root that joins the myoma with the uterus.

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Yuli's testimony

In Colombia, normally, to enter work, they always do a first health study to see how the employee is doing, so let’s say that in that process I went to take the medical exam and it was where, well, I didn’t know, I didn’t know that I had fibroids, The person who was doing the exam told me “You have something strange in your uterus, your uterus doesn’t look like the normal size” and he told me well, your fibroid is too big, 17 centimeters is a super large fibroid that requires of a surgery that you can lose the uterus, I mean, I want you to be mentally aware, that’s what he told me, I want you to be mentally aware that if I open it and you lose a lot of blood or something like that, it’s going to be a hysterectomy, but I want you to know that, which is possibly a hysterectomy, so he looked at it as a way of saying, “Well, there are worse things.”

Like I was like, a hysterectomy? I’m 33 years old! and well, it’s quite… Bad news for me, I don’t know, I sort of went home unfortunate to hear that and I said no, I mean, it can’t come to this here, I have to know more about this and I started to investigate, I began to investigate and search through social networks and I told my family “Look at this video, look at how they do the surgery, I find it very interesting and I would like to do something and ask them to see if they can handle my case. Then Searching through the pages I found that it was possible and that they could treat people from abroad and I saw a number that could be communicated with and that I could make an appointment with Creafam, but that was like I was still talking to the previous gynecologist. , 2020 arrived when the pandemic began and the gynecologist who had been treating me “Go have this exam, look, we can’t do the surgery on you now because the pandemic has already entered, there is no authorization for that type of surgery because yours is not “Something urgent” I mean, they didn’t see it as something urgent, so I, well, let’s wait, I had kind of resigned myself a little to the fact that well, if they are going to do a hysterectomy, then that’s it, but I still held out hope I’m going to see what I do, so one day I got up and said “No, I’m going to make an appointment with Creafam” and that’s where I decided to contact you and I had the first appointment with the doctor where I told him No, doctor, look, I have some MRIs, but they were from a year ago, because a year had already passed, so he told me “no, not that one, it’s almost useless for what I have to do” and I said, well, I’m going to manage with my EPS in Colombia to see how I can do the MRI, unfortunately there the health is not very good, so two months to have an MRI and I said no, not two months, that is, I have to have it done in a particular way, so I started my examination process in a particular way, everything I needed before the MRI because other tests are needed to do an MRI, so I started, I had the MRI and sure enough, I sent him the MRI MRI to the doctor… It was no longer 17 centimeters, the fibroid was almost 35 centimeters.

It gave me peace of mind, because the words were different from what my previous gynecologist told me, he told me “No… It’s not easy, but your uterus is not going to be affected, we can do it, that kind of filled me up.” He gave me peace of mind, he made me feel like we were going to do it, so he told me: “I need you to come now because that fibroid needs surgery immediately.” So I only had one week left to do the entire surgery process. surgery and I immediately knew that, apart from the surgery, I had to process other things because we are Colombians, getting here to Mexico, we have to go through immigration and then it is a little complicated, so I told the doctor that, if we They could help with a letter or some support that said I was going to have the surgery here in Mexico, so Creafam did it, they sent me a letter and thanks to them when I went through immigration, they realized that I was coming for medical tourism.

I feel quite grateful to Creafam because I thought it was going to be worse, well, it was the first time I had surgery in my life and I had thought about many things and I already had two MRIs where it had not gone very well. , to put myself in the capsule because I was desperate, so I said, when they are going to do the surgery, it’s going to be the same, I’m going to feel despair or something, the operation is going to be very ugly. So when I entered the operating room I said, Here I go! Everything was like… I felt like it was very fast… When I said, “Already?” In other words, am I sure I had surgery? When they took me out of the operating room I touched myself and said, Could it be that they did the surgery on me? Because, if you ask me if I have felt pain, I have not felt pain, I thought it was going to be painful, it was going to be traumatic but so far no and what invited those women who can also have this happen to them, or that they don’t know, is that they have a periodic check-up, because just as I didn’t know, because when I detected it it was 11 centimeters, it means that I was already coming with it and I didn’t know… Well, what? have a periodic review of how your condition is, let’s say of your uterus and your entire reproductive system so that if you detect this in time you can have a solution and not be left with a single medical opinion because that is what happened, which I already I was going to resign myself to a single medical opinion but something there like, let’s say God himself, because I also thank God, that the Lord put Creafam on my path, so I am very grateful to Creafam because if they came back I hope to have a normal life because I was already getting anxious about having this myomatosis and well, this is my story, I hope it helps you and that… Contact Creafam if you have the opportunity to do so! And this that’s all!

About the Tomography or MRI

Well, then I wanted to show you the images that Yulis sent me from Colombia, that is, she gave me the link, she gave me the password and the username and I was able to access her MRI study that was done there in Colombia. Today, as we say, technology, thanks to COVID, has made us transcend even more and make it much easier for both patients and doctors, this is a sagittal cut, the sagittal cut generally goes from one side of our body to the other side, towards the other end, then cuts are made from top to bottom, which are, this one here is coronal and this one here is the sagittal.

Personally, I like the sagittal one better because I orient myself a lot by the spine and what is the sacrum, this part back here that you can see the gas is the colon, the sigmoid rectum but here we have the uterus, look how beautiful it looks the cavity and see this little piece here is the only thing that covered the tumor so large that it was a tumor that went above the umbilical scar, so when we saw these images, I told him on the phone, via Zoom, I assure you and I guarantee you 100% that we are not going to touch the uterus. It is very important because normally when the patient goes to a consultation with their obstetrician-gynecologist because of fibroids, whether they have bleeding, whether they have anemia, hemorrhages, constipation, distention, discomfort, generally in an ultrasound if they see a large tumor they always ask them. They are going to say that they are going to remove the uterus… It makes a bit of logic because at the end of the day, tumors larger than 10 centimeters are very difficult to differentiate where exactly the uterus is located, but MRI helps us a lot to differentiate if is it on the anterior side, if it is in the uterine fundus, if it is on the posterior side, if it is intramural, if it is subserous or if it is submucosal.

Subserosal fibroids, as you will see in surgery, are relatively very easy. In fact, the patient, Yulis, when I checked her if she had a very large tumor, I was sure because of the MRI, but until I entered the surgery I saw that it was easier than I had thought, this patient took us half an hour, now she is already a week after the surgery, she is practically, I can tell you almost as if we had not operated on her, that is, if you have her discomfort from the scarring but she can make her daily life completely normal, in fact she is still going to stay here for ten days in Puebla and I hope she knows many parts of Puebla because Puebla is very beautiful also for medical tourism and also with the relationship and with culture and Spanish speaking they are not going to battle in Puebla, it is a safe city, it is a quiet city, it is a small city that has a wealth of culture, gastronomy, monuments, some important archaeological zones at both a national and international level, So we invite you to come to Puebla, to write to us via Zoom and we can solve any questions or we can also give you guidance if you cannot come for surgery, but I am going to show you the surgery.

Operation or surgery for uterine fibroids

Buenas tardes, vamos a empezar con una miomectomía de más o menos 2 kilos y medio, es una paciente de Cartagena, Colombia, 33 añitos, que tiene un tumor muy grande y le dijeron que le iban a quitar el útero. Me mandó una tomografía, resonancia, luego la vamos a revisar. Entonces fíjense bien ya que sacamos el útero, el mioma, vean la parte pedicular que es lo mismo que se ve en la resonancia magnética, es que hoy por hoy, las resonancias y la imagenología nos pueden dar una orientación perfecta, está en el cuerno derecho, sólo hay un pequeño que es el pedículo que aunque es muy grande y vascular, el útero está completamente liberado.

Vean estamos ahí dando al pedículo vascular con la pinza caimán para evitar mucho más sangrado de que pudiese ser, porque toda la vascularidad converge precisamente en el pedículo, ahorita les vamos a enseñar dónde está. Por que está exactamente en la trompa y cuerno derecho, abarca la trompa y parte del ligamento. Perfecto, ya terminamos la cirugía, 25 minutos nada más hay que reparar el pedículo que está enorme y ahorita les mostramos el útero. Ya terminamos, vean, el ovario derecho está aquí atrás, hasta allá abajo está el ovario derecho, aquí sale, el ovario izquierdo está acá atrás también muy bonito, pero ya acabamos, ahí está el pedículo, el útero está íntegro, entonces ya terminó la cirugía.

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One in three women will have fibroids, not all of them will be this type of tumor obviously, but out of 100 women with fibroids, at least 20 patients or 30 will have surgery, the important thing here is to go to the experts, with a specialist and above all, do not remove your uterus.

Dr. Arturo Valdés
Dr. Arturo Valdés
Reproductive Medicine and Gynecological Endocrinology
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