Puerperium or quarantine

Clínicas de fertilidad en Puebla y Veracruz

The puerperium is the time that elapses from when you expel the placenta or delivery until the reproductive system returns to its normal state.

The duration is six to eight weeks, or forty days more or less, and that is why it is known as quarantine.


Immediate puerperium: They are the first 24 hours after birth. In this period the bond with the baby is established, the production of colostrum begins and the mother is taken care of any postpartum hemorrhage.

Clinical Puerperium: Period from the second to the tenth day. In this period the womb decreases in size and lactation begins properly.

Remote puerperium: It extends until forty-five days more or less after delivery and ends when menstruation begins.

Regarding hormones:

Hormones are revolutionized again, this time to make the uterus contract and for the mother’s breasts to produce milk: estrogen and progesterone fall, and prolactin and oxytocin rise. One to produce milk and the other to return the uterus to its initial state, in addition to providing tranquility and joy to the mother during the lactation period.

Uterine contractions and lochia:

Uterine contractions after childbirth can be painful, it is what is known as afterbirth. They are cramps similar to those of menstruation and are caused by the decrease in size of the uterus until it reaches its normal size.


The organism expels intense bleeding and clots resulting from the separation of the placenta from its place. At first it is very red and abundant, so postpartum sanitary pads will be necessary, which are specific for this bleeding. As the days go by, their hue becomes more pink until they disappear.

Humor changes:

These are very frequent in the puerperium. After the birth and the euphoria produced by endorphins, most mothers experience a period of physical exhaustion that can, on occasion, cause depression.

Hormonal changes, adjustments to a new life, the influences of family and friends, can affect motherhood. Mothers are usually very sensitive, crying easily, tired and even angry.

You must take care of yourself, because even the most normal activities may seem impossible to carry out, the lack of sleep and all the emotions will make you cry in order to compensate for the difficulty you are experiencing. It will be a twenty-four hour responsibility and energy runs out when you don’t rest.

Some ideas to help you in these days, because they will only be days, not the whole life, I promise you:

  • Sleep when the baby sleeps and leave it to dad when he gets home from work, take time out of the day just for you.

  • Take a bath calmly every day, if you are alone put the baby in the baby carrier in front of the shower where you can look at it so you are not worried.

  • Drink a lot of water to produce a lot of milk and that this is one less anguish, my suggestion: A glass of water before each feeding of the baby, one during the time in which the baby is on your breast and one after finishing feeding it ( to).

  • If you are sad and cry, don’t worry. Find a friend who has been a mom who will listen to you, a granny or a psychologist who understands postpartum depression. It is not always a pathological depression, the hormonal changes of the puerperium wreak havoc on our mental health.

  • Talk honestly with your partner and let them know how you feel. You don’t have to be a superwoman or a supermom.

  • When you can, leave the baby with someone you trust so you can get out of the house for a while.

  • The house is not going to fall due to the disorder of a few days, think about yourself and your peace of mind, then when you already know the rhythm of your baby, organize yourself based on the time you have to dedicate to him (her), to you herself, and then home.

  • A newborn implies a lot of wear and tear, but if you focus only on that, you will miss a unique moment that will never return. See the good and enjoy your baby.

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