Secondary infertility
It is a common belief that if they could already be parents once, then they no longer have infertility problems and everything will be fine on that side.
But this is not always the case. Secondary infertility, suffered by couples who have been able to get pregnant at least once, but when looking for a new child cannot, is present in a high percentage of couples who go to the clinics. fertility.
For a patient to suffer from primary or secondary infertility, the causes are usually the same, but in the case of secondary infertility, these causes are more recent:
Secondary infertility generates mixed feelings in couples who suffer from it. When they find out that they want to get pregnant and they don’t get it, it can happen that they experience periods of denial, that they don’t have family support or that family and/or friends don’t consider this event a problem, because in the end, you already have one or two or more children. Sometimes they can feel judged, there will even be someone who makes them feel that they do not value the children they have.
This is why it is important that as a couple you consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the decision to look for another child, so that you can provide an explanation to the family and friends that you consider important, while letting them know how significant the support is. relatives and friends for the process they initiate.
Secondary infertility can be very frustrating, especially because they have already experienced maternity/paternity, they know what it means, what it entails, and they do not want to miss the opportunity to experience it again with another being. Talking as a couple, finding spaces to freely express feelings, can help to manage this stressful situation. Therapy with a specialist in the area and support groups have turned out to be adequate for most couples going through moments like this.
Regarding the other children, depending on how old they are, be honest and explain what is happening. Children are usually very empathetic, this explanation will make them understand the mood swings of their parents, while it will open a door for them to express their opinion about it and seeing the problem from another perspective can be relaxing.