30/30/30/10 Method ...for getting pregnant FAST! The 30/30/30/10 method is the most effective technique to identify and rule out problems in order to achieve a quick pregnancy. That is why Dr. Arturo Valdés, a [...]
11 pound ovarian cyst surgery in Mexico.
Schedule online and get a discount on your first consultation. 11 pound ovarian cyst surgery in Mexico It was cheaper for our patient to come to Mexico from the [...]
Molar Pregnancy or Hydatidiform Mole: Double or triple DNA
Molar Pregnancy or Hydatidiform Mole: Double or triple DNA This patient had uterine adhesions that were caused by two molar pregnancies, a chromosomal defect that occurs when the egg or sperm contains more genetic [...]
5 Symptoms of uterine fibroids and what they mean
5 Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids and what they mean The best way to study a fibroid is through a tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, but we know that many patients do not have the opportunity [...]
Endometritis and blocked tubes: Success stories against infertility
Endometritis and blocked tubes What are the expectations for success with different types of treatments? Can I get pregnant with #ArtificialInsemination? Can I get pregnant taking pills? Well, each case is unique and first [...]
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome… NO SURGERY!
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome MUST NOT BE OPERATED Good morning, we want to talk a little more about polycystic ovary syndrome. We have received many questions in our YouTube videos regarding this topic. Sometimes simple [...]
Sexuality for Teenagers Part 1: Hormones and Puberty
Part 1: Hormones and puberty We lovingly share knowledge, since #KnowledgeIsSuccess and the best way to take care of yourself and your partner is to have a good theory... Regardless of age. Dr. Arturo [...]
Removing a teratoma without removing the ovary (Protect your fertility)
Removing a teratoma without removing the ovary Everywhere they tell you that if you get a teratoma you have to remove the entire ovary... But #KnowledgeIsSuccess and although they look very ugly, they are benign, [...]
They told her fibroid, it was ovarian cancer. Intraoperative test surgery
Ovarian cancer and intraoperative surgery This patient was told that she had a uterine fibroid, but from the first consultation we suspected that this was false... And as #KnowledgeIsSuccess we will tell you how [...]
How to improve or increase eggs [Low ovarian reserve]
How to increase low ovarian reserve (Amount of eggs or oocytes) Hello, today we are going to perform an embryo transfer procedure, it is an interesting case since it involves a patient who, at [...]
Causes of female infertility
4 Causes of female infertility 60% of infertility cases are due to a female factor and of these, the vast majority are due to only 4 main causes. Dr. Arturo Valdés, Creafam fertility expert, [...]
Adenomyosis, fibroids and endometriosis
Adenomyosis, fibroids and endometriosis It is not known with certainty if Adenomyosis affects only 5% or up to 70% of women 👨⚕️🌎🤷♀️ because 1 out of 3 women is asymptomatic and worldwide only cases that [...]
2.86 kilo fibroid [over 6 pounds]
2.86 kilo fibroid [over 6 pounds] "I had never seen a fibroid like this 🧐🥔☝ it pushed the uterus up to the sternum" Today in #KnowledgeIsSuccess Dr. Arturo Valdés illustrates the diagnosis, surgery and [...]
Hydrosalpinx and how it ruins a fertility treatment
Hydrosalpinx and how it ruins a fertility treatment Achieving a 96% success rate requires quality, effort, and attention to detail. Even In Vitro Fertilization can be ruined by hydrosalpinx when full studies are not [...]
Double or bicornuate uterus [Hysteroscopy for IVF]
Double or bicornuate uterus [Hysteroscopy for IVF] This patient could have double pregnancies. So... Why hasn't she managed to get pregnant? 🤷♀️♀💕 Dr. Otto Paredes explains how she fully evaluated and resolved this case. [...]