30/30/30/10 Method ...for getting pregnant FAST! The 30/30/30/10 method is the most effective technique to identify and rule out problems in order to achieve a quick pregnancy. That is why Dr. Arturo Valdés, a [...]
Goodbye Fibroid, Hello Baby! (Pregnant one month after surgery)
Goodbye fibroids... hello BABY! (Testimony from Modesta, pregnant one month after surgery) We invite you to watch the entire video, but if you are looking for a specific section, you can use the following index [...]
Why YES to laparoscopic surgery? What are its benefits?
Why YES to laparoscopies? What are the benefits? We invite you to watch the entire video, but if you are looking for a specific section, you can use the following index to jump to each [...]
Laparoscopies for fibroids? Why NOT? How risky is it?
Laparoscopies for fibroids? Why NOT? How risky is it? We invite you to watch the entire video, but if you are looking for a specific section, you can use the following index to jump [...]
ROPA Method (Lesbian shared IVF)
ROPA Method (Lesbian shared IVF) The ROPA Method allows female couples to share a pregnancy, however, there are clinics that are not explaining the full details or are telling half-truths and since #KnowledgeIsSuccess. In [...]
Microplastics in the placenta, fertility and daily life.
Schedule online and receive a discount on your first consultation. Microplastics and fertility Studies show that all humans have microplastics, they have even been detected in the placentas and [...]
11 pound ovarian cyst surgery in Mexico.
Schedule online and get a discount on your first consultation. 11 pound ovarian cyst surgery in Mexico It was cheaper for our patient to come to Mexico from the [...]
HPV, cancer and contraceptive methods [Teenage Sexuality 3]
Part 3: HPV, cancer and contraceptive methods. Welcome to part 3 of sexuality for teenagers and parents. (The second part is here) This time we will talk about HPV, cancer and contraceptive methods. And [...]
Pregnancy for first-timers and non-first-timers
Schedule online and receive a discount on your first consultation. Pregnancy for first-timers and non-first-timers You just realized that you are pregnant. Congratulations! But... Now what's next? Don't worry, here [...]
How quickly do uterine fibroids grow?
How fast do uterine fibroids grow? On average fibroids (also called myomas or uterine fibroids) grow about 1.5 cm per year. The first patient, from Sacramento, California in the United States, began to have symptoms [...]
Fertility with Artificial Intelligence ERICA
Fertility with Artificial Intelligence ERICA Today we are going to perform the last stage of In Vitro fertilization, which is transferring the best quality embryos to the mother's uterus. We want to share the work [...]
Molar Pregnancy or Hydatidiform Mole: Double or triple DNA
Molar Pregnancy or Hydatidiform Mole: Double or triple DNA This patient had uterine adhesions that were caused by two molar pregnancies, a chromosomal defect that occurs when the egg or sperm contains more genetic [...]
Echocardiography Winner of delivery!
Echocardiography Winner of delivery! #SaberEsPoder and the 3 essential ultrasounds of pregnancy are: screening at week 12, morphological study at week 20 and fetal echocardiography starting at week 28. With great joy we share [...]
5 Symptoms of uterine fibroids and what they mean
5 Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids and what they mean The best way to study a fibroid is through a tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, but we know that many patients do not have the opportunity [...]
Amniocentesis to study amniotic fluid
Amniocentesis to study amniotic fluid "We have to remove amniotic fluid from you" It is undoubtedly a phrase that no mother wants to hear, the fear of harming the baby is completely natural, but [...]