We removed 23 uterine fibroids and she will be able to get pregnant

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  1. Introduction: Don’t remove your uterus
  2. Patient 1: Melon-sized fibroid
  3. Patient 2: 23 Fibroids
  4. Conclusions

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Introduction: Don't remove your uterus!

Good afternoon, today I want to talk to you… They keep sending us messages on YouTube asking over and over again that they want to remove their uterus with fibroids of 2, 3 or even 4 cm. I don’t know why in many cases they always tell you that with one fibroid or two fibroids they have to remove the uterus, this sometimes doesn’t make sense… Imagine if you had a wart on your ear or a fish eye on your ear. finger and they told them that they are going to remove the ear or they are going to remove the finger, then having a fibroid is not synonymous with removing the uterus, hence the importance of going to specialists and experts.

We can assist you but the uterus has a function and a purpose, obviously the main one is reproduction but it also has a question of support and structure in the pelvic floor, so please do not remove the uterus, there are always options. Of the 100 fibroid surgeries that we perform, maybe one or two at most will need to remove the uterus, but the other 98 patients will be able to preserve their uterus.

So, I want to show you the two patients that we had this week, they are very similar patients because they are both 45 years old, one is from Chiapas, another is from here in Puebla but the big difference is that one has a tumor of more or less a melon about 20 cm in size and she had others around with large elements, in total we removed six but the other patient is the record of all those that we have removed in fibroids. We removed 23 fibroids! Obviously between large, medium and small elements. Remember that knowledge is success.

Patient #1: Melon size fibroid

Remember that on our page we already have a video about the most important symptoms, the patient from Chiapas with the melon tumor had mostly hemorrhages, anemia and obviously also had a little pain and constipation, and the other patient was 23 fibroids, she had urinary urgency, that is, she constantly had to go to the bathroom.

In fact, the patient from Chiapas had already been told for 6 years that she had fibroids, but she let time pass because she previously had a loss 4 years ago and today the fibroid continued to grow. The most important thing I always tell them is: The moment you have a diagnosis of single fibroid or multiple fibroids, call us, write to us and we can guide you. Because the ideal, even if you are 23, 24 or 25 years old, is to have surgery when the fibroids are not yet that big, even if there are many, it is better to remove them like the ones we are going to show in the video, which were 13 small elements, that is, less than 2 cm, it is better to remove this type of fibroids than larger fibroids.

Look, little patient from Chiapas, 45 years old, look at this tumor, it is a fundic subserous tumor, here you have another one on the posterior side, it is also subserous in the isthmic region. The left tube, left ovary, sorry right ovary, right tube and this has myomites here and another fibroid here before, this is the uterus. Look, we are about to resect but look at the size of the muscle, this is the uterine cavity, so it was not subserous, it was intramural and the muscle is obviously super inflamed, so we have to remove this fibroid first, look at the others but right now there is to face this fabric. This is the cavity, it feels even watery, loose. Look, we’ve finished the first tumor, more or less, it’s a melon, these Chinese melons, how the uterus was restructured, we’re going to go for another one that has subserous here in the region almost of the sacrum, uterosacral, and it has another one here that let’s see. If we remove it, intraligamentary. Look, we are resecting this fibroid but look here: We have already entered the cavity, this is the uterine cavity, obviously there is no remedy for this. Why? Well, because it is a fibroid that was submucous, it went anterior and is therefore well adhered to the cavity, we will try to repair it as much as possible.

This patient wants to get pregnant, obviously, at 45 years old, so she preserved her uterus, she came from Chiapas to here, it is on the border with Guatemala and she came here precisely because she saw us in one of the videos and the advantage is that this patient is going to preserve her uterus and in 4 or 5 months we can review her to see if we are already doing a treatment, obviously in vitro fertilization to achieve her dream at home.

Patient #2: 23 uterine fibroids

It is always very important that the planning of the surgery is done based on the evaluation of the studies, basically the tomography and ultrasound that we do here in our office.

Because? Because the incision or approach, whether pfannenstiel or medium type, depends a lot on the size of the tumor, if it is above the umbilical scar we generally make a medium incision, when they are below we make a pfannenstiel incision and this has to do with a little with the aesthetics, however, the idea is that once we are in the uterus it is not the same to remove a large fibroid, because yes, we are going to make a very large incision in the uterus and the repair is a little more Slow, longer, but sometimes a large fibroid is much better than a uterus with many fibroids, because there we have to be cutting in many parts or in many sections and obviously also doing a uterine repair.

This one is from Puebla, the one from yesterday was from Chiapas, 45 years old, same age, more or less similar, multiple fibroids but these are multiple in a sack of potatoes that we tell you, right now we are going to show them to you but she has too many fibroids . See, she is a little patient that we have already had 1, 2, 3 large ones, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 medium-sized ones and 3, 4, 5 small ones, obviously it is the classic sack of potatoes, there are several incisions in the uterus Fortunately, only two are deep and the others are medium superficial but we still lack the back face.

Look, 45 years, the ovary is still beautiful but it is already a slightly smaller ovary, in fact it has already been 3 months without cycles but it has already been restored a little, look here is the other ovary. Can you see it? It looks small there, there. Here is the left ovary, they are very small but the uterus really turned out great, a good size. See, it is a uterus that has a normal-sized uterus with a lot of scars, then we will see if you can get pregnant, we remove 23 fibroids, obviously they are fibroids, 2 large, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , for medium ones and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 for small ones.


In a video about the catalog of fibroids we basically explain the location, size and how many there are for the surgical time, it is very important to know that the surgical time is in relation to the number of fibroids or size of the fibroids and also if the patient has anemia or not.

In the first patient from Chiapas it was a 2 and a half hour surgery, almost 2 hours 45 minutes, and yet the one we removed 23 fibroids only took 2 hours. But why? Because the fibroids were a bag of potatoes, I mention it in the video, it is a fibroid and next to it there is another, so you go digging, you do the myomectomy and you repair, sometimes sometimes it is faster too, it is true that that Patient 23 had very small fibroids, but if that patient had had all her fibroids of medium or large elements, the surgery would have been very slow and probably would not have preserved the uterus, so the importance is:

The moment you have a diagnosis, come to us at Creafam and we can guide you to have surgery and obviously preserve the uterus so that you can later get pregnant.

Removing your uterus for a fibroid is as illogical as removing your ear for a wart.

Dr. Arturo Valdés
Dr. Arturo Valdés
Reproductive Medicine and Gynecological Endocrinology
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