
It affects 10% of women and in half of the cases it produces infertility. Do you know the causes, symptoms and treatments? What topic would you like next week? If you suffer intense pain during your period, this video interests you, don’t let time pass and schedule your consultation #SaberEsPoder #Endometriosis

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Inside the uterus we have a cavity, this cavity is called the endometrial cavity or uterine cavity and this cavity is lined by an epithelium that is only found within this cavity. This epithelium is called endometrium and then these endometrial cells often migrate or are seeded outside this uterine cavity, that is, they can now be outside the uterus up and down the tubes in the ovaries and then this pathology or this migrating tissue is called endometriosis.

Why does endometriosis occur?

The truth is that there are some hypothetical theories and two of them are the main one is retrograde menstruation do you want this that we the woman has her uterus has the vagina and month by month it is endometrium of scale and it comes out through the vagina however part of that tissue sometimes it can go towards the fallopian tubes and fall into the abdominal cavity, generating that these endometrial cells can make small sowings with that retrograde menstruation that occurs month after month another alteration another hypothesis is genetic, that is, it has been seen that women who have mothers sister with this disease they can also have this same disease estrogens are what make this uterine cavity grow or this endometrium makes it grow if there is no pregnancy progesterone ovulation occurs there is no pregnancy progesterone is lost or it stops being produced and this endometrium becomes necrotic and the cells flake off, producing menstrual bleeding, but if I have this tissue that normally grows in the cavity and is increasing in size due to the action of estrogens due to the growth of the follicle, well, these will also grow cells that are seeded outside our uterine cavity month after month.

“It affects 10% of women and is one of the most prevalent conditions in infertility problems”

Dr. Arturo Valdés
Dr. Arturo Valdés
Fertility expert
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