Importance of specialized studies in pregnancy

The objective of these studies is the comprehensive control of fetal health, as well as diagnosing possible conditions that could put both the mother and the baby at risk.

The three specialized studies that are recommended to all pregnant women are: First trimester screening, morphological ultrasound and echocardiography:

  • Screening of the first trimester: This study is carried out between weeks 11 and 13, it is done with ultrasound and a blood sample and it helps us to calculate the risk that a baby may have to present a chromosomal problem such as Down syndrome, trisomy 18 and trisomy 13. With 80-90% sensitivity.

  • Morphological study: This study is carried out between weeks 18 and 23, the objective is to rule out anatomical defects in the baby such as: facial clefts (cleft lip), neural tube defects (spina bifida), bone structure defects (such as shortened limbs). ) organ defects such as: brain, kidneys, liver etc.

  • Fetal echocardiography: Heart disease is the main cause of congenital defects, the best time to perform this study is between week 26 and 30 through echocardiography we can rule out anatomical heart defects and be able to identify heart diseases such as: ventricular septal defects, large outlet defects. vessels, atrial or ventricular pathology.

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“Although these are the three specialized studies that must be carried out during pregnancy, it is also recommended to carry out an adequate monthly gestational control and obstetric and ultrasound controls to confirm the well-being of the mother and the baby.”

Dr. Carlos Monsalve
Dr. Carlos Monsalve
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics

Perinatology, invasive techniques and obstetric ultrasound.
Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, España.

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