New Year’s Resolution: Get pregnant

New Year’s resolutions: Organizing our finances to get pregnant.

When we think of a new life project, which involves, in addition to emotions, economic solvency that allows us to achieve it, we require an analysis of our economic situation. If you are thinking of getting pregnant and attending an assisted reproduction clinic, it is necessary to be clear that we require certain actions that will lead us to achieve said project.

Our finances require a balance where we are clear about the assets and liabilities we have, so that we can make a projection over time that allows us to establish and/or set objectives, this will lead us to prioritize them and give them the “weight” required to the objective that we have set ourselves of achieving a pregnancy.

Now with the analysis of our objectives we can move on to the realization of a financial plan.

That will allow us to establish concise goals and plan the expenses that we have (mandatory, accidental expenses and even save to obtain said objectives.)

The next step is to organize our finances by adopting the following actions:

  • Creating a budget that is important to stick to.

  • Commit to achieving the plan.

  • Be honest with the actions we take and change our financial habits.

  • Maintain a low level of debt.

  • Adequate income distribution.

At Creafam, aware of what it means to carry out a financial plan that leads you to fulfill that important dream of starting a family and having a beautiful baby, we offer you payment options that allow you to focus on your life plan.

We make available to all couples our payment system through financing with participating cards, as well as an adequate advance payment plan that will allow you to organize without harming your finances.

Come with us and after a consultation with our specialists, we will offer you the option to carry out your life plan without representing an economic decompensation; You can choose the most appropriate and convenient payment alternative for your finances.

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“A child is an Accomplished Dream, financial planning brings you closer to your dreams and Creafam helps you achieve them.”

Dr. Otto Paredes
Dr. Otto Paredes
Fertility Expert
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