The 10 worst pregnancy mistakes

Today we are not going to talk about “mistakes” such as eating poorly, sleeping little, buying this or that diaper… We are going to review little-known errors, but that can be severe or even fatal for the fetus.

Dr. Carlos Monsalve, a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Creafam, has treated many complicated cases over 15 years of experience and shares some tips with us because when it comes to pregnancy, a cautious woman is truly worth two #KnowIsPower

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Pregnancy Mistake #10: Using creams to reduce skin blemishes.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause the breasts, face or skin in general to fill with spots, and of course, there is never a lack of a friend who tells them “Hey, look, use this cream that worked perfectly for me when I got spots and they were removed later, later ”

Some anti-spot creams and even some creams against pimples and pimples contain hydroquinone, this chemical is teratogenic, that is, it can cause congenital malformations in the fetus.

Please check that the creams you use, particularly those that are anti-stain and anti-wrinkle, do not contain hydroquinone or retinol. And why not retinol?

Errors during pregnancy #9: Excess folic acid and vitamins in pregnancy.

If you are watching this video, you probably already know that folic acid and vitamins are essential for the development of the baby, especially in the first trimester, but… It is very common to receive cases in which some women say “I didn’t know that I was already pregnant” So from the day I found out I started taking two or three pills instead of one.

Folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin A or retinol are essential for the fetus, but their excessive consumption is related to an increase in the chances of developing autism or having genetic disorders. Please consult with your doctor the appropriate dose of each nutritional supplement that you consume.

Pregnant Mistake #8: Taking medications without talking to your doctor.

This sounds quite logical to most of us, but there are many medications that we are used to taking on such a regular basis that we do it without thinking, or we hear that another pregnant woman was prescribed it so we assume it is fine for me, but in it could actually be very damaging.

For example, for some women a little aspirin or aspirin may help reduce their risk of preeclampsia, but for many other women it can cause bleeding and even disrupt fetal blood vessels, which is why we rarely publish drug recommendations in public forums and the consumption of any medication should be evaluated by your own doctor, even if you think it is something as simple as taking an aspirin.

Pregnant Women Errors #7: Not wearing a seat belt correctly.

When getting into the car and putting on the seatbelt, many women feel that the pressure is excessive and that they are putting their baby at risk, so they invent their own ways of putting on the seatbelt, only by one arm, or perhaps not using the seatbelt. the bottom and only the top are crossed, but please believe me, it is better to use the seat belt in the traditional way, completely crossed with one part on the lower belly and the other part on the chest.

Pregnancy Mistakes #6: Thinking that a flow or bleeding is normal.

I will not get tired of saying it in as many videos as I can “No flow or bleeding is normal during pregnancy.” In addition to being a clear indication that something is wrong, any discharge or bleeding means a possible entry for an infection, so even if the discharge or bleeding stops, an infection could have entered and put the pregnancy at risk. As minimal as it may seem, notify your doctor of any flow or bleeding.

Pregnant Error #5: Not attending a preconception consultation.

There are countless complications that can be avoided if from the beginning the future mother talks with the doctor and he or she makes a comprehensive evaluation. Unfortunately, we are used to almost not going to the doctor at the beginning of the pregnancy and as the pregnancy progresses and complications appear, there begin to be consultations more and more often, in truth the ideal would be to make more consultations at the beginning of the pregnancy and reduce the visits little by little.

Pregnant Mistake #4: Bathing in very hot tubs.

Especially during the first trimester, bathing in tubs with hot water, or baths with a temazcal, hot springs, even taking showers with very hot water for prolonged periods should be avoided.

Hot showers can cause mom’s blood pressure to drop and have circulatory problems, but what is even worse is that the temperature inside the belly can rise rapidly, the normal temperature of the human body is 36 degrees and above. 38 can begin to cause damage to the baby’s brain.

In fact, this also applies if one day you go to the beach and decide to sunbathe, please consider that the mother can cool off with the breeze that blows or with a cold drink, but all the time that she spends sunbathing her tummy and her baby are warming up.

Pregnancy Mistakes #5: Not attending a preconception consultation.

There are countless complications that can be avoided if from the beginning the future mother talks with the doctor and he or she makes a comprehensive evaluation. Unfortunately, we are used to almost not going to the doctor at the beginning of the pregnancy and as the pregnancy progresses and complications appear, there begin to be consultations more and more often, in truth the ideal would be to make more consultations at the beginning of the pregnancy and reduce the visits little by little.

Pregnancy Errors #4: Bathing in very hot tubs.

Especially during the first trimester, bathing in tubs with hot water, or baths with a temazcal, hot springs, even taking showers with very hot water for prolonged periods should be avoided.

Hot showers can cause mom’s blood pressure to drop and have circulatory problems, but what is even worse is that the temperature inside the belly can rise rapidly, the normal temperature of the human body is 36 degrees and above. 38 can begin to cause damage to the baby’s brain.

In fact, this also applies if one day you go to the beach and decide to sunbathe, please consider that the mother can cool off with the breeze that blows or with a cold drink, but all the time that she spends sunbathing her tummy and her baby are warming up. .

Mistakes during pregnancy #3: Not getting vaccinated properly.

Vaccines during pregnancy will serve to protect both the mother and the baby, but we must be careful with which ones should be applied and which ones should not, because we cannot risk the mother getting sick due to a reaction, but we cannot leave the baby unprotected either. baby against infections that can be deadly in a newborn.

The vaccines that must be applied are DPT and influenza, especially in this time of contingency.

Errors during pregnancy #2: Maintain contact with cats.

It is extremely common for cats to be infected by a parasite called toxoplasma, this parasite can be found in cat feces, in garden soil or in undercooked food, if the mother gets infected she won’t have many problems, maybe a little tiredness, malaise, and fever for a month, but the baby may suffer from eye damage, growth retardation, malformations, or miscarriage.

Please try not to have contact with cats, have someone else clean your litter box, always wear gloves when gardening, boil or cook all food thoroughly and wash your hands regularly.

Pregnant Error #1: Not doing all the studies.

Surely you have ever heard someone say “There is, but if before the mothers did not do any study or go to consultations and everything went well” But the truth is very different… I invite you to please take the test, enter Google and look for the phrase maternal and child mortality in Mexico or in the country where you are and you will surely find a graph very similar to this one:

In the last 20 or 30 years we have halved the number of deaths and diseases related to pregnancy and childbirth and if we wanted to go further in the last century the decrease has been 80 or 90%

Even so, currently about a thousand mothers die every year in Mexico from preventable causes related to pregnancy, that is, if they had had regular check-ups and studies, they probably would have been able to survive.

Please have the 3 main studies done: The first trimester screening, the morphological study, the fetal cardiography, as well as regular urine tests, blood counts and blood chemistry, in this way they could rule out infections, anemia, preeclampsia and any defect of the baby.

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“If you are already pregnant or looking for a pregnancy, come see us, together we can fulfill your dream”

Dr. Carlos Monsalve
Dr. Carlos Monsalve
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics

Perinatology, invasive techniques and obstetric ultrasound.
Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, España.

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