Breastfeeding vs Bottle

Breastfeeding is the optimal nutrition for the newborn baby.

This form of feeding favors growth and development, providing the baby with important nutrients for its health while acquiring maternal antibodies.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the baby should be fed only breast milk for at least the first six months of life and can extend up to two years, considering this totally healthy.

Some advantages of feeding breast milk:

  • Easy digestion for the baby.

  • Infection prevention.

  • It is available at any time (as long as the mother has a high water intake and allows the baby to drink all the milk he needs at each feeding, the mother’s body adapts to the baby’s needs).

  • In terms of costs, it is very cheap, because by feeding the mother, the baby is fed.

  • The temperature is always right.

  • No need to boil water or sterilize instruments for use.

  • The bond between mother and baby is established.

  • The mother can eat freely and recover from the entire birth process, since breastfeeding expends more than 500 calories a day, which will help her return to her pre-pregnancy figure more quickly and calmly.

Babby bottle:

Sometimes the bottle turns out to be the feeding option for babies (premature babies, adoptions, allergies, diseases such as HIV, galactosemia, among others), and although it is not optimal as breast milk is, it offers some benefits.

  • You can feed it both father and mother or another caregiver.

  • It is useful when the baby is underweight and/or in intensive care due to being preterm.

  • Feeding is organized by hours (structured routines). Food cannot be given on demand.

  • By drying up the milk, the mother speeds up her chances of getting pregnant again sooner.

  • It is suitable for mothers who suffer from postpartum depression and do not wish to breastfeed.

The type of feeding of the newborn baby is a decision that the parents will make. It is important to remember that it is not just a decision, it is a responsibility. The health and good development of the baby are in the hands of the parents.

“In any case, if the mother, for some reason, could not produce all the milk that is necessary for her baby, or cannot be with him or her for each feeding, it must be remembered that the combination of both feeding systems, also it is an option.”
Rdn. Marisol Navarrete
Rdn. Marisol Navarrete
Clinical nutrition and lactation
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